Prescription Pets Therapy Dogs

Presents a Workshop on


Date/Time: Friday, September 27, 2024, 10 am - 2 pm

Location: Unity Church, 2871 Churn Creek Rd, Redding, CA

[Directions:  On Churn Creek Rd. turn into Park Plaza at 2881.  Go to the back of the complex to 2871]


Learn how to become a therapy dog team and how to visit safely and effectively. We'll present skills needed to handle your dog, health and grooming requirements, legal issues, code of ethics, and safety precautions. The workshop is for human handlers, dogs are not invited.

The workshop fee is $40. 

Pre-registration for the workshop is required. Please fill in the information below and mail it to Prescription Pets, P. O. Box 491501, Redding, CA 96049 along with your check for $40. Checks made payable to Prescription Pets. Registration must be received by September 16, 2024. 

We reserve the right to cancel the workshop with a refund if fewer than 5 people register for the workshop. Confirmation will be sent via email.

  • Name: __________________________________________

  • Street Address: ___________________________________

  • City/State/Zip: ____________________________________

  • Phone: __________________________________________

  • Email: ___________________________________________

  • Pet Name and Age: ________________________________

  • Pet Breed: _______________________________________

For questions, please contact: Pam Ward at

 Prescription Pets Therapy Dogs 

a 501c(3) Public Benefit Organization